About the Author

About the Author

Hello, my name is Anna Anikina, I write programs that are convenient for me and occasionally publish them using this personal account. Here you can find my personal portfolio:

  • Works, that are not affiliated with
  • and are not representative of
  • and are not subject to moderation by

Any establishments that I may be associated with.

Public Project Index

Click here to browse the full list of my publicly available personal projects.

Other Public Works

If you are interested in my other public works, made for specific establishments, please see the following links:


For inquiry, please send an email to the following address: zinc a@t keemail d.o.t me.

About the Username

Please note, that in non-work-related activities for privacy reasons I follow the policy of “one improvised straightforward disposable and ideally non-unique username per platform/service”. This way I guarantee at least my own compliance with generally recommended Internet etiquette and end up with lots of curious anecdotes to tell, like the one below.

When it was time to come up with the GitHub username, I accidentally stumbled across this documentary and found the (obviously clickbait) combination of the thumbnail and description to be uncharacteristically funny:

Screenshot of the BBC documentary promotion page

Credit: [BBC](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05txr28)

Then I watched it. “Yup, this is exactly what I thought”. The rumors are, this cute cat can kill a giraffe! For a modern city dweller, it is easy to forget about certain things.

So yes, the gggrv or Aggressive and Gravely Dangerous (?) should be interpreted as me ironically pointing out my own lack of any actual survival skills (in the most literal sense). If only the ability to write things with keyboard did exempt one from natural selection…